Reviewing boot logs on Debian
Recently, I installed a debian system as a server from the netinst CD. From the debian website:
A network install or netinst CD is a single CD which enables you to install the entire operating system. This single CD contains just the minimal amount of software to start the installation and fetch the remaining packages over the Internet.
The install was straight forward and i only opted to install standard utilities and nothing else. Everything installed successfully and the system booted without a single problem.
It is good practice to familiarize yourself with what you see on the console when your system boots up. Therefore in the event that something goes wrong and services aren’t being started at boot, you would already be familiar with what your system usually does when it boots up. Typically, messages will indicate that your services were started “OK”, something has “Failed”, “Warning” notifiers, example: Starting periodic scheduler: Cron or some other service has failed. The issue that you will encouter is that these messages that you see on the console scrolls by very quickly and you usually only have about a second to recognize something useful.
By default, my new debian system did not log these boot messages anywhere. It turned out that bootlogd, the daemon that is responsible for logging these messages to “/var/log/boot” was not installed by default. Runnign # aptitude install bootlogd, was all that was needed. Once you reboot your system, boot messages will be logged to the file, “/var/log/boot”.
You can simply cat the contents of the log file to view its contents but there is an issue where the colored strings are not escaped and you end up with bash color codes. These colored strings are what you see at boot with strings like “failed”, “ok”,”warn”, etc. To fix this you can view the logs with the following command
# sed 's/\^\[/\o33/g;s/\[1G\[/\[27G\[/' /var/log/boot | more
You can set up an alias for this in your .bashrc file to make life easier.